Name: Dr Naseer Mohammad
Designation: Scientist-E
Education Qualification:Ph.D. (Genetics and Plant Breeding), NET (Crop Improvement)
Name of Division/ Section:Genetics and Tree Improvement Division
Areas of Specialization:Forest Genetics and Tree Improvement
ResearchInterest:Genetic Improvement of Forestry Species.FGR Conservation
Honors & Awards:
- Recipient of the ‘ICFRE Awards for Excellence in Forestry -2020; Category: ICFRE Young Professional Award’.
- Recipient of the ‘Maulana Azad National Fellowship’ for perusing PhD (Genetics & Plant Breeding) from University Grant Commission, New Delhi.
- Recipient of ‘ICAR-JRF fellowship’for perusing M.Sc.(Ag) Genetics & Plant Breeding programmefromIndian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi.
- Recipient of Dr. PDKV Merit-Cum Scholarshipfor B.Sc.(Agriculture) from Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidhyapeeth, Akola (Maharashtra).
Completed Research Projects:
- ICFRE funded Projects: 04 (As PI)
- External Aided Projects: 06 (As PI)
Current Research Projects:
- ICFRE funded Projects: Nil
- External Aided Projects: 03
- Book Publications: 01 No
- Chandra G, Nautiyal R, Chandra H, Roychoudhary N and Naseer Mohammad (Ed) 2015. Statistics in Forestry: Methods and Applications. BONFRING Intellectual Integrity, Coimbatore. ISBN 978-93-84743-83-3
- Book Chapters: 06 No
- Research Papers Published in National/International Journals: 68 No
- Gupta, R., Sharma, L.K., Rajkumar, M. Naseer Mohammad et al. (2023) Predicting habitat suitability of Litsea glutinosa: a declining tree species, under the current and future climate change scenarios in India. Landscape Ecol Eng.
- Naseer Mohammad, Rahaman SKM, Khatun M, Rajkumar M, Garai S, Ranjan A, Tiwari S (2022) Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) demonstrates robust adaptability to climate change scenarios in central India. Vegetos.
- Naseer Mohammad, Rajkumar M, Rathore R, Shirin F, Rao GR (2022) Factors limiting regeneration of a Near Threatened deciduous tree Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb. in Central India. Acta Ecologica Sinica.
- Naseer Mohammad, Dahayat A, Pardhi Y, Rajkumar M, Ansari SA, Shirin F (2022) Inferring genetic diversity and population structure of India’s National Teak (Tectona grandis L.f.). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution, 69:1695–1705. s10722-021-01335-w
- Naseer Mohammad, Dahayat A, Pardhi Y, Rajkumar M (2022) Morpho-molecular diversity assessment of Indian kino (Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb.). 29,100373. Journal of Applied Research on Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, 29: Volume 29,100373 100373
- Naseer Mohammad, Rajkumar M, Singh K, Nain NPS, Singh S, Rao GR, Prakasham U (2021) Spacing, pit size and irrigation influence early growth performances of forest tree species. Journal of Tropical Forest Science 33(1): 69–76.
- Naseer Mohammad, Rathore R, Mishra Y, Miskini B (2021) Report on the Flowering and Fruiting in five-year-old Germplasm bank of Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B. Robinson. 147 (4): The Indian Forester 410-412.
- Naseer Mohammad, Pardhi Y, Dahayat A (2021) Effect of Growing Media on Seed Germination attributes in Sterculia urens Roxb. - An Endangered Gum Yielding Tree of Tropical Forest. The Indian Forester 147(7): 621-626.
- Ghosh BG, Garai S, Rahaman SKM, Khatun M, Naseer Mohammad, Mishra Y, Ranjan A, Tiwari S (2021) Assessing potential habitat distribution range of the endangered tree species Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb. Under the climate change scenario in India. Trees, Forests and People 6,100124.
- Saxena HO, Parihar S, Naseer Mohammad, Pawar G (2021) Variation for caffeic acid and phenolic content in different plant parts of Solanum xanthocarpum Schrad. and Wendl. – a commercially important dashmool species. Clinical Phytoscience 7:53.
- Shirin F, Saudagar IA, Gupta T, Bhadrawale D, Naseer Mohammad, and Rao GR (2021) Comparison of Adventitious Rooting potential of culm cuttings in Bambusa wamin, Bambusa vulgaris var. striata and Bambusa vulgaris var. green. The Indian Forester 147 (4): 421-425.
- Naseer Mohammad, Saxena HO, Yadav RS, Pawar G (2021) Assessment of Variation for Pterostilbene in Heartwood of Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb., a Vulnerable Medicinal Tree from Central India. Indian Journal of Ecology, 48(6): 1736-1739
- Bhadrawale D, Shirin F, Patel K, Panika S, Gupta T, Naseer Mohammad, Rao GR (2021) Effects of different plant growth regulators and additives on in vitro culture establishment of P. stocksii. Indian Journal of Tropical Biodiversity, 29(1):1-12.
- Mishra Y, Kumar A,Naseer Mohammad(2020) Variation in Plus Trees of Beeja (Pterocarpus marsupium) in different agroclimatic zones of Chhattisgarh. The Indian Forester146 (1): 84-86.
- Naseer Mohammad, Dahayat A, Yadav RS, Shirin F (2020) A review on Buchnania cochinchinensis (Lour.) – An economically important NTFP of central India. Indian Journal of Tropical Biodiversity,28(1-2):12-18.
- Naseer Mohammad, Saxena HO, Rathore R, Pawar G (2020) Phytochemical screening of stem bark of valuable medicinal tree of tropical forest- Pterocarpus marsupium (Roxb.). Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry9(2):1678-1681.
- Saxena HO, Naseer Mohammad, Parihar S, Kumar (2020) Effect of seed treatments and potting medium on seed germination parameters in threatened Stereospermum suaveolens (Roxb.) DC. – a dashmool species. Environment Conservation Journal, 21 (1-2): 187-192.
- Shirin F, Bhadrawale D, Saudagar IA, Rana PK, Naseer Mohammad, Rao GR (2020) Influence of localities and tree girth class on morphological ad biochemical parameters of fruits and seeds of Madhuca longifolia. Indian Journal of Tropical Biodiversity, 28(1-2):12-18.
- Kumar A, Mishra Y, Naseer Mohammad, Singh S (2020) Genetic divergence study in Melia dubia Cav. Through principal component analysis (PCA). Journal of Tropical Forestry, 36(4):64-69.
- Yadav RS, Dahayat A, Naseer Mohammad, Mishra JP, Shirin F, Rao GR (2020) Assessment of genetic diversity and relationship among different bamboo species revealed by molecular markers. Indian Journal of Tropical Biodiversity, 28(1-2):12-18.
- Naseer Mohammad, Dahayat A, Pardhi Y, Singh N (2019) Standardization of Wood Core Maceration Protocol for Teak (Tectona grandisL.f.) and Shisham (Dalbergia latifolia Roxb.) - An Important Timber Species of Tropical Forest. Journal of Tropical Forestry, 35(IV):33-41
- Naseer Mohammad, Sonkar M, Pardhi Y, Rana PK,Dahayat A (2019) Assessment of morphological variation and association studies in Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) C.B. Rob. from Central India. Journal of Sustainable Forestry,39(2). 207-220.
- Mishra Y, Naseer Mohammad, Mishra JP (2019) Progeny variation in candidate plus trees of Pterocarpus marsupiumRoxb. for seed germination and associated parameters. Tropical Plant Research,6(2): 226–232.
- Naseer Mohammad, Singh K, Kunjam KK, Joshi MM, Nain NPS, Singh S (2018) Effect of irrigation, spacing and pit size on growth parameters of Safed Siris (AlbiziaproceraRoxb.). My Forest, 54(4): 1-10.
- Mishra JP, Bhadrawale D, Yadav U, Naseer Mohammad,Shirin F (2018) Effect of various plant growth regulators on in vitro seed germination and shoot organogenesis in Tectona grandis L.f. Tropical Plant Research5(2): 152–159.
- Naseer Mohammad, Dahayat A, Yadav M, Shirin F, Ansari SA (2018) Genetic diversity and population structure of Litsea glutinosa (Lour.) in Central India. Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants, 24(4):655–663.
- Naseer Mohammad, Dahayat A, Pardhi Y, Mishra Y, Shirin F (2017) Testing of genetic homogeneity of elite eucalyptus clones using DNA marker. Tropical Plant Research, 4(3): 391–395.
- Naseer Mohammad, Mishra JP, Gupta T, Sonkar M (2017) Effect of different hormones/co-factors on sprouting and rooting of branch cuttings in Litsea glutinosa. Journal of Tropical Forestry, 33(II):01-10.
- Naseer Mohammad, Mahesh S, Jain YK, Ansari SA (2017) Effect of discrete (individual) and mixed (bulk) genomic DNA on genetic diversity estimates and population structure in Teak (Tectona grandis L. f.). Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 55(1): 44-48.
- Tripathi A, Pawar G, Pardhi Y, Saxena HO and Naseer Mohammad (2017) Phytochemical screening of bark of Litsea glutinosa (Maida chhal). Indian Journal of Tropical Biodiversity, 25(1):88-92.
- Kumar S, Singh SP, Naseer Mohammad,Jeena AS (2017) Study of genetics parameters for yield and quality traits in sugarcane (Saccharumofficinarum). Indian Journal of Tropical Biodiversity, 25(1):107-110.
- Verma P, Naseer Mohammad, Verma RK (2017). Association of arbuscularmycorrhizal fungi with maidachaal (Litsea glutinosaLour) seedlings. Global Journal of Bioscience and Biotechnology, 6(1): 157-161.
- Naseer Mohammad, S Singh, Ahmad E,Tewari S (2016) Assessment of combining ability for productivity and quality traits in aromatic rice (O. sativa L). International Journal of Bioresource and Stress Management, 7(4) special: 525-572.
- Naseer Mohammad, Dahayat A, Mishra Y (2016) Effect of seed treatment and potting medium on seed germination and associated parameters in critically endangered Litsea glutinosa (Lour). Indian Journal of Forestry, 39(2): 111-115.
- Tewari S, Dahayat A, Naseer Mohammad,Mishra Y (2016) Comparative assessment of five DNA extraction methods for genomic DNA extraction of Pterocarpus marsupium and Litsea glutinosa. Indian Journal of Tropical Biodiversity, 24(1):86-91.
- Mahesh S, Vaishnav V, Kumar P, Naseer Mohammad, Ansari SA (2016) Characterization and validation of teak plus trees ramets of national teak germplasm bank through microsatellites. Tropical Plant Research 3(1): 213–220.
- Naseer Mohammad, Vaishnaw V, Mishra J, Mahesh S, Kumar P, Ansari SA (2016) Genetic fidelity testing in micropropagated plantlets of Albizia procera(Roxb.) using RAPD and ISSR markers. Indian Forester, 142 (6): 558-562.
- Vaishnaw V, Naseer Mohammad, Wali SA, Kumar R, Tripathi SB, Negi MS, Ansari SA (2015) AFLP markers for analysis of genetic diversity and structure of teak (Tectona grandis) in India. Canadian Journal of Forestry Research, 45: 297–306.
- Saxena HO, Soni A, Naseer Mohammad,Choubey SK (2014) Phytochemical screening and elemental analysis in different plant parts of UrariapictaDesv. A Dashmul species. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, 6(5):756-760.
- Mishra Y, Rawat R, Rana PK, Sonkar MK, Naseer Mohammad (2014) Effect of seed mass on emergence and seedling development in Pterocarpus marsupium Roxb. Journal of Forestry Research, 25 (2):415-418.
- Kumar S, Panwar RK, Naseer Mohammad, Arora A (2014) Assessment of genetic divergence for nitrogen fixation, yield and yield contributing traits in fieldpea (PisumsativumL). International Journal of Basic and Applied Agricultural Research, 12(1):20-24.
- Saxena HO, Soni A, Naseer Mohammad, Kakkar A, Singh N (2014) HPLC analysis of rhoifolin in different plant parts of Uraria picta: a dashmool species. Indian Journal of Tropical Biodiversity, 22(2): 199-201.
- Shrin F, Meshram R, Rana PK, Sonkar MK, Naseer Mohammad (2014) Variation among different populations of Azadirachta indica(Neem) with respect to in vitro shoot proliferation and nitrate reductase activity.Indian Journal of Tropical Biodiversity, 22(2): 177-183.
- Naseer Mohammad,Mishra Y, Ansari SA (2013) Assessment of inter-character correlations in Pterocarpus marsupium, an endangered medicinal plant of tropical forest. Indian Forester, 139 (7): 633-635.
- Naseer Mohammad,Mishra Y, Ansari SA (2013) Development of selection criteria in Bel (Aegle marmelos) and Kuchla (Strychnoxnux-vomica) through correlation and path coefficient study. Bioinfolet, 10(1A): 8-11
- Naseer Mohammad, Kumar P, Singh S, Tewari S (2013) Character association and path coefficient analysis for productivity traits in basmati rice (Oryzasativa L).Pantnagar Journal of Research, 11(3): 332-335.
- Kumar P, Kumar K, Singh L,Naseer Mohammad (2013) Combining ability analysis for yield and its components in bread wheat (TriticumaestivumL). Bioinfolet, 10(4B):1312-1318.
- Naseer Mohammad,Verma SK (2013) Genetic assessment of yield and its component traits in interspecific families of pigeonpea (Cajanuscajan). Green Farming, 4(1): 7-10.
- Naseer Mohammad, Mahesh S, Kumar P, Ansari SA (2012) Genotyping of Santalum album L. accessions through cross-species transferability of SSR markers of Santalumaustrocaledonicum and Santalum insulare. Sandalwood Research Newsletter, 27: 1-5
- Somappa J, Naseer Mohammad,BajpaiGC, Verma SK, Joshi R (2012) Bioassay studies for bruchid (Callosobruchuschinensis) resistance in F7 interspecific generation of pigeonpea (Cajanuscajan). Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 82(3): 288-90.
- Somappa J,Naseer Mohammad, Pandey ID, Swamy HKM, Nemappa L, Bajpai GC (2012) Assessment of quality descriptors and screening of interspecific progenies of pigeonpea against bruchid (Callosobruchuschinensisl.). Plant Archives, 12(2): 623-626.
- Somappa J, Naseer Mohammad,Joshi M, YathisKR, Bajpai GC (2012) Assessment of seed-quality in F7 interspecific progenies of pigeonpea[Cajanuscajan(L.)] Millspaugh. Bioinfolet, 9(2): 151 – 154.
- Joshi R, Somappa J, Naseer Mohammad,Verma SK (2012) Evaluation of F7 Progenies for Protein Content in PigeonpeaCajanuscajan (L.) Millspaugh. Environment & Ecology, 30 (3A): 739-742.
- Ruwali Y, Kumar S, Naseer Mohammad,Shukla A (2012) Molecular profiling and diversity analysis of Jatropha curcas(L) genotypes. Indian Journal of Tropical Biodiversity, 20(2): 121-128
- Naseer Mohammad, Verma SK (2011) ISSR based diversity analysis among F3 progenies of pigeonpea derived from interspecific cross Cajanusscarabaeoides X Cajanuscajan. Green Farming, 2(6): 641-644.
- Papers Published in Proceedings of Symposiums/Conferences/Workshop:15 No
- Technical Bulletins/Reports/Popular articles: 20 No
Any other Information: -Open for collaborative research work on Forest genetics, Tree Improvement, FGR conservation
Communication Address:
Dr. Naseer Md
Genetics and Tree Improvement Division,
ICFRE-TFRI, Jabalpur-482021