1. Name: Dr. Pramod Kumar
2. Designation: Scientist-C
3. Date of Birth: 01.06.1965
4. Date of Joining: 21.11.1990
5. Date of joining present post: 01.01.2018
6. Discipline: Tree Physiology and clonal propagation
7. Address (off.): Genetics and Plant Propagation Division
8. Address (resi.): V/21, TFRI Colony, PO-RFRC, Jabalpur-482 021, M.P.
9. Telephone (off.): 0761-2744141
10.Fax: 0761-2840483
11.Email address: pramodk@icfre.org
12.Educational Qualifications: M.Sc. Ph.D.
13.Research Experience: 27 years
14.Membership/Fellowship of Professional Societies/Associations :
(i) Life Member, Indian Society for Plant Physiology
(ii) Member, Society for Promotion of Tropical Biodiversity
15. Workshops/Conferences/Symposiums
16. Awards:
(i) Young Scientists' Award (1997-1998) of National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi in the field of Plant Improvement.
(ii)ICFRE award in the field of Silviculture Research for the year 1993-94 & 1994-95.
(iii)Indian Forester award for best research paper for the year 2001.
(iv)Participation in Conferences/Seminars
International Seminars : 02
National Seminars : 05
(v) Publications
Research Papers (National): 41 numbers
Research Papers (International): 08 numbers
5- Best Publications
1. Ansari, S.A., Pramod Kumar and Gupta B.N. (1995) Root surface area measurements based on adsorption and desorption of nitrite. Plant and Soil 175:133-137.
2. Palanisamy, K. and Pramod Kumar (1997) Effect of position, size of cuttings and environmental factors on adventitious rooting in Neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss). Forest Ecology and Management 98: 277-180.
3. Tiwari, A., Pramod Kumar, Chawhaan, P.H., Singh, S. and Ansari, S.A. (2006) Carbonic anhydrase in Tectona grandis (L.f.): Kinetics, stability, isozyme and relationship with photosynthesis. Tree Physiology 26(8): 1067-1073.
4. Pramod Kumar, Jharia, S.K. and Ansari, S.A. (2011) change in pH regimes and adventitious root induction in semi-hardwood cuttings of Gmelina arborea Roxb. Plant Growth Regulation65(3): 531-536.
5. Pramod Kumar and Mishra Y. (2018) Biochemical changes associated with flowering in Bambusa arundinacea and Bambusa nutans. Journal of Forestry Research DOI 10.1007/s11676-017-0533-1.