Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education
भावाअशिप - उष्णकटिबंधीय वन अनुसंधान संस्थान
ICFRE - Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur

Shri Alfred Francis

Name : Alfred Francis

Designation : Technical Officer 

Date of Birth : 01/07/1972

Date of Joining :18/11/1995

Date of joining present post :01/03/2017

Discipline : Biodiversity & Sustainable Management Division

Address (off. ): Tropical Forest Research Institute, P.O.- RFRC, Mandla Road, Jabalpur 482021 (M.P.)

Address (resi.) : Q.No. T-IV/14, New TFRI Colony, P.O.- RFRC, Mandla Road, Jabalpur 482021 (M.P.)

Telephone (off.) :

Fax : 0761- 2840484, 4044002

Email address :

Educational Qualifications :  B.Sc. (Bio Science)

Research Experience : Worked as associates in different complete projects at CFRHRD, Chhindwara and TFRI, Jabalpur

Membership/Fellowship of Professional Societies/Associations : N/A

Workshops/Conferences/Symposiums : Nil

Awards: Nil


Conducted evaluation and monitoring work and prepare the evaluation report under CAMPA in Chhattisgarh.

Worked as Vehicle In-charge, TFRI.

Presently, working as caretaker for residential quarters of TFRI and hostel In-charge (Scientist and Transit Hostel, TFRI, Jabalpur)


  01 (Singh, J., Banerjee, S.K. and Francis, A. 2002. Vegetative propagation of Buchanania lanzan Spreng. root cuttings. Indian Forester, 128 (6): 700-704.)

Designed & Developed By : IT Division, ICFRE HQ
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