An official biennial publication of Society for Promotion of Tropical Biodiversity
(ISSN 0971- 4642)
Indian Journal of Tropical Biodiversity is an international, inter-disciplinary periodicals
devoted to promotion of diverse aspects of tropical biodiversity and published twice a year.
Dr. Dr. Rajesh Kuamr Mishra,
Dr. P. K. Rana,
Dr. Neelesh Yadav
Dr. Pramod Kumar, Auditor
The journal is an official refereed publication of Society for Promotion
of Tropical Biodiversity, Jabalpur and invites original research
contributions in the categories -full length papers (up to 8 print pages) and
short communication (up to 4 print pages), review articles (up to 15 print pages)
and letters to editor (one print page) on diverse aspects of agriculture and
forest of tropical regions of the world. However, one of the authors must be the
member of the society.
The authors, while organizing the manuscript, should strictly adhere to
the format and style of the journal for facilitating its editing and
Title of the paper in CAPITAL letters must be brief and devoid of
abbreviations followed by names (s) of author (s), authors' institution (s) and address (es) and running title. Name and address (including e-mail phone/fax
number) of communicating/corresponding author.
KEY WORDS: up to six characterizing the scope of the paper in alphabetical order (in Italics).
the objective of the work and relevant review on the subject.
AND METHODS: Brief but informative enough
for reproducibility of work; a reference of the method published in a standard
journal/manual to be mentioned if adopted without modification, else describe
the modified method. Experimental design and statistical analysis must be
clearly described.
RESULTS: Description. of salient findings needs to be
mentioned with appropriate mention of data as tables/figures.
DISCUSSION: The findings must be explained in the light of
existing literature on the subject followed by last concluding paragraph
consisting of recommendation/hypothesis.
REFERENCES: Should be listed alphabetically by the author's
last name. In the text, the references should be indicated (within parenthesis)
by the author (s) name (s) and year. The following format of
the references should be followed.
Y, Aspinal D, Paleg Z (1992)
Protection of membrane integrity in Medicago satira L. by glycinebetaine
against the effect of freezing. J. Plant Physiol. 140 : 541-543.
E (1992) Micropropagation of Mentha
L. In: Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry Vol.9 (ed Bajaj
P.S.) Springer -Verlag,
P (1985) The Physiological
Properties of Plant Protoplast. Springer -Verlag,
Tables and legends figures should be typed on separate sheets and numbered with Indi-Arabic numerals. The title of the table should be concise self-explanatory and Experimental details which have not been mentioned in the text should be given in the notes to the tables or the legends of the figures. Line drawings should be in JPEG format with minimum 600 resolution.
Reprints: The author (s) will compulsorily required to pay printing charges of Rs. 150/- per page for black and white and Rs. 1000/- per page for colored pages/plates. After publication the corresponding author will be provided a soft copy (pdf file) of the paper.
Society for promotion of Tropical Biodiversity, TFRI, Jabalpur. INDIA
Indian Journal of Tropical Biodiversity
The journal welcomes the following categories of publication
(1) Review articles, (2) Original research papers {(a) full lengths and (b) short communication} and (3) letters to editor
Paper submission
Indian Journal of Tropical Biodiversity
Tropical Forest Research Institute
P.O.: RFRC, Mandla Road,
Jabalpur (M.P.) 482 021. INDIA
Phone: 91-761-2840483
Fax: 91-761-2840484
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