Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education
भावाअशिप - उष्णकटिबंधीय वन अनुसंधान संस्थान
ICFRE - Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur

Silviculture and Forest Management

Last Updated on : 11 January 2024

This division includes three important discipline of forestry i.e. Silviculture, Agroforestry and Non Wood Forest Products.

Silviculture and Forest Management : The activities of this discipline are development of seed technology, seed eco-physiology, nursery and planting techniques of commercially important species, and regeneration of forest species, assessment of silvicultural management systems.

Agroforestry : The division  engaged in developing agro forestry models for improving land use in various agro-climate regions based on different tree-crop production systems, their spatial geometry, production of goods and services and their ecological impact. At present, various agroforestry models like Silvi-agri, Silvi-horti-agri, Silvi-medicinal, Silvi-pastoral, Agri-lac culture was developed by the division.

Non Wood Forest Products : The main activities of this discipline are to carryout research on various aspects of Non-Wood Forest Products viz. conservation, cultivation, sustainable harvesting and value addition of NWFPs including medicinal and aromatic plants, biologically active phyto-chemicals, gums, mucilage, dyes, fibre yielding species, tree borne oilseeds of forest origin and biofuel.


The research priority of the division is to develop a site specific Agroforestry model which is socio-economically viable and acceptable by the farmers residing nearby. Also to develop seed technology of RET and economically important tree species as well as to develop agro technique, sustainable harvesting, processing and value addition of Non timber forest products including  medicinal and aromatic plants .



Since last two decades the Division was engaged in  Conservation and Management of timber as well as non timber species and on Agroforestry models , the details are as given below:-

  • Development of Agroforestry system based on economically valuable timber ( Teak, Gmelina, Subabul, Bijasal, Bamboo and Melia bubia ) and horticulture  plants (guava) for Madhya Pradesh.
  • Empowering tribal community by cultivation and processing of LAC.
  • Development of Gmelina based agroforestry system in Madhya Pradesh.
  • Capacity building on seed and nursery technology and Plantation techniques for prioritized species of Chhattisgarh state.
  • Training on collection, primary processing and post harvest management of NTFPs in Madhya Pradesh.
  • Impact assessment of Agroforestry System existing in farmers field of Madhya Pradesh
  • Selection and evaluation of Haldina cordifolia.
  • Impact of forest enrichment on natural forests of Sal and Bamboo.
  • Study on the ecology of survival of seeds of rare species of India.
  • Conservation of rare species Stereospermum suveolensis in Madhya Pradesh.
  • Studies on RET species and its value addition.


  • Training on 'Agroforestry' to IFS Officers.
  • Training on 'Agroforestry' to the farmers, Women SHGs and SFDs.
  • GSDP training programme on ' Small botanical garden'  and 'Value addition and marketing of NTFPs'.
  •  One week training on 'Agroforestry Systems' to the graduate level students of Forestry
  • One week Summer and Winter course on 'Agroforestry' for Graduate students of Agriculture and Forestry University of Madhya Pradesh ,Chhattisgarh and Prayagraj.
  • Dissertation program (Six month & three month) for Post Graduate and Graduate students.
  • One week training on 'Analytical tools' for postgraduate and graduate students.
  • One week training on 'Instrumentation Techniques' for postgraduate and graduate students.
  • TRIFED funded Special training programme on 'Collection, primary processing and post harvest management of NTFPs for NTFP gatherer and farmers.
  • Two days training on HPTLC.

Consultancy -  Nil


Smt. Neelu Singh

Head & Scientist – G

Silviculture, Forest Management & Agroforestry Division

Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur (M.P.) 

Telephone – 0761-2840007

Email ID -,


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