Indian Council of Forestry Research and Education
भावाअशिप - उष्णकटिबंधीय वन अनुसंधान संस्थान
ICFRE - Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur

About Institute

Last Updated on : 16 July 2024

The Tropical Forest Research Institute, Jabalpur is one of the nine regional institutes under the Indian Council of Forestry Research & Education. The Institute came into existence in April 1988, although its origin goes back to 1973 when a Regional Centre of FRI, Dehradun was established at Jabalpur to provide research support to the  problems of  forest management in central India. The institute has not only steadily advanced in terms of infrastructure but also specialized itself as a major nucleus for research on forestry and ecology related problems of tropical forests of the central region comprising of the states of Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh and Maharashtra . The institute is headed by  Director and has a staff strength of 113 including 22 scientists and  38 officers.

Campus of the Institute is situated 10 km south east of Jabalpur on NH -12A. The campus is spread over an area of 109 ha amidst picturesque surroundings. The area enjoys semi-arid type of climate with mean annual precipitation of 1358 mm. The campus of the Institute is fully developed with facilities like office cum laboratory building, library and information building, bio-technology lab, residential complex, bank, post-office, dispensary, shopping complex, central school, community hall, canteen, motor vehicle workshop, scholars' transit hostel, scientists' hostel, sports ground and rest house. The institute has its satellite centre situated in Madhya Pradesh, heart land of India, Forest Research Centre for Skill Development established at Chhindwara. The centre is located on Chhindwara-Panchmari state highway, 8 kms from Chhindwara town at Poama village. Chhindwara is well connected by road, Nagpur (125 km), Jabalpur (215 km) and Bhopal (280km). In additional it has rail linkage also. A functional air strip along with helipad is also located at Chhindwara.




  • Eco-restoration of Vindhyan, Satpura and Maikal hills and Western Ghats
  • Rehabilitation of mined areas
  • Research and demonstration in agroforestry models
  • Research in forest protection
  • Identification of seed production areas and plus trees, establishment of seed orchards; and production of quality planting material of selected species for improving forest productivity
  • Provenance trials of teak, bamboo, neem, sissoo, safed siris etc.
  • Research on biofertilizers and biopesticides


Contact Address:


Tropical Forest Research Institute

P.O.: R.F.R.C., Mandla Road,

Jabalpur (M.P.) - 482 021


Contact Phone Numbers:

Director: +91-761- 2840483, 2997374 (O) ,

FAX: +91-761-2840040

E-mail: dir_tfri[at]icfre[dot]gov[dot]in, dir_tfri[at]icfre[dot]org

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